Module Contents
Given an image and a path for masks, find the correct mask for the image, otherwise return None. |
Given a mask, set the pixels that have flag values as True and others as False. |
Given a mask path and the satellite image path, set the pixels with values in the flags list to invalid value |
- hypso.classification.WaterDetection.waterdetect.External_mask.search_mask(img_path, masks_path, img_type='S2_S2COR', msk_type='S2_S2COR')
Given an image and a path for masks, find the correct mask for the image, otherwise return None. The match is done by name. The mask name has to contain the images name. :param img_path: path to an image :param masks_path: path to mask images :param img_type: image naming convention. ‘S2_S2COR’, ‘S2_THEIA’ and ‘S2_PLANETARY’ are currently supported. :param msk_type: mask naming convention. ‘S2_S2COR’, ‘S2_THEIA’ and ‘S2_PLANETARY’ are currently supported. :return: The mask path or None
- Parameters:
img_path (pathlib.Path) –
masks_path (pathlib.Path) –
img_type (str) –
msk_type (str) –
- Return type:
Union[pathlib.Path, None]
- hypso.classification.WaterDetection.waterdetect.External_mask.set_mask_flags(mask, flags, dilation=0)
Given a mask, set the pixels that have flag values as True and others as False. Return this boolean array. @param mask: path to a geotiff with the mask @param flags: values of the mask that shall be set to True @param dilation: Applies a dilation on the True pixels. Default=0 (no dilation) @return: boolean array
- Parameters:
mask (numpy.ndarray) –
flags (list) –
dilation (int) –
- Return type:
- hypso.classification.WaterDetection.waterdetect.External_mask.process_mask(mask, img, flags, valid_value=0, invalid_value=255, dilation=0)
Given a mask path and the satellite image path, set the pixels with values in the flags list to invalid value and remaining pixels to valid_value. At the end, the processed mask will be saved to the image directory. @param mask: path to the mask geotiff @param img: path to the image directory, where the mask will be copied into. @param flags: flags on the mask image that should be masked (set to True) @param valid_value: value to be assigned to valid pixels @param invalid_value: value to be assigned to invalid pixels @param dilation: Size of the kernel (square) to be applied in the dilation processing @return: Nothing
- Parameters:
mask (pathlib.Path) –
img (pathlib.Path) –
flags (list) –
- Return type:
- hypso.classification.WaterDetection.waterdetect.External_mask.prepare_external_masks(imgs_dir, masks_dir, flags, img_type='S2_S2COR', msk_type='S2_S2COR', dilation=0)
- Parameters:
imgs_dir (str) –
masks_dir (str) –
flags (list) –
img_type (str) –
msk_type (str) –
- Return type: