
Module Contents


gen_resample_grid(grid_res_x, grid_res_y, ...)

Generate resample grid to the bbox coordinate limits

gen_resample_grid_bbox_min(grid_res_x, grid_res_y, ...)

Generate resample grid bbox minimum

hypso.georeference.georef.utils.gen_resample_grid(grid_res_x, grid_res_y, bbox_coord_limits)

Generate resample grid to the bbox coordinate limits

  • grid_res_x

  • grid_res_y

  • bbox_coord_limits – is expected to be a list or tuple with 4 elements as follows: [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]


Return type:

Tuple[numpy.ndarray, list]

hypso.georeference.georef.utils.gen_resample_grid_bbox_min(grid_res_x, grid_res_y, bbox_minimal)

Generate resample grid bbox minimum

  • grid_res_x

  • grid_res_y

  • bbox_minimal

    shall have has shape [4,2] and consists of four points describing the corner of the minimal bounding box.

    The width of the box is taken as the distance between point [0,:] and [3,:].

    The height of the box is taken as the distance between point [2,:] and [3,:].

    The x direction is taken as the direction going from point [3,:] to point [0,:].

    The y direction is taken as the direction going from point [3,:] to point [2,:].


Return type:

Tuple[numpy.ndarray, list]