

Package Contents



Class used to display a progress bar on the screen for bulk downloading.


find_file(path, str_in_file[, suffix, type])

Find recursively a single file (or first occurance) in a specified directory.


Check if a number is an integer

find_dir(path, str_in_dir[, type])

Find recursively a directory (or first occurance) in a specified directory.

HSI2RGB(wY, HSI[, d, threshold])

Calculate a colore accurate RGB image with HSI values. Original function used for the paper


Print the contents of a .nc file

find_all_files(path, str_in_file[, suffix, type])

Find recursively all files in a specified directory.

compare_netcdf_files(file1, file2)

Compare two .nc files and returns a pandas DataFrame where each attribute, variable and values are compared side

find_closest_water_lat_lon_match(sat_obj, target_lat, ...)

Find the closest Image lat and lon to the targat specificed that is also a water pixel.

hypso.utils.find_file(path, str_in_file, suffix=None, type='partial')

Find recursively a single file (or first occurance) in a specified directory.

  • path (pathlib.Path) – Directory path on which to look for files.

  • str_in_file (str) – Check if this string is in the file name

  • suffix (Union[str, None]) – Check if file extension matches the suffix provided

  • type (Literal[partial, exact]) – Type of comparisson of “str_in_file”. If “partial”, then “str_in_file” will be checked to be in the filename, otherwise “exact” will check if the filename matches exactly the string provided.


Path of the file or None if no file found

Return type:

Union[pathlib.Path, None]


Check if a number is an integer


n – Number to check


Boolean value indicating whether or not the number is an integer

Return type:


hypso.utils.find_dir(path, str_in_dir, type='partial')

Find recursively a directory (or first occurance) in a specified directory.

  • path (pathlib.Path) – Directory path on which to look for files.

  • str_in_dir (str) – Check if this string is in the directory name

  • type (Literal[partial, exact]) – Type of comparisson of “str_in_file”. If “partial”, then “str_in_file” will be checked to be in the filename, otherwise “exact” will check if the filename matches exactly the string provided.


Path of the file or None if no file found

Return type:

Union[pathlib.Path, None]

hypso.utils.HSI2RGB(wY, HSI, d=65, threshold=0.002)

Calculate a colore accurate RGB image with HSI values. Original function used for the paper “Creating RGB Images from Hyperspectral Images Using a Color Matching Function” by M. Magnusson, J. Sigurdsson, S. E. Armansson, M. O. Ulfarsson, H. Deborah and J. R. Sveinsson,

If you use this method, please cite the following paper: @INPROCEEDINGS{hsi2rgb, author={M. {Magnusson} and J. {Sigurdsson} and S. E. {Armansson} and M. O. {Ulfarsson} and H. {Deborah} and J. R. {Sveinsson}}, booktitle={IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium}, title={Creating {RGB} Images from Hyperspectral Images using a Color Matching Function}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}}

Paper is available at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jakob_Sigurdsson

  • wY – Wavelengths in nm

  • HSI – Hyperspectral Image as a (#pixels x #bands) matrix,

  • d (Literal[50, 55, 65, 75]) – Determines the illuminant used, if in doubt use d65. Values of 50, 55, 65, 75

  • threshold – True if RGB thesholding should be done to increase contrast


RGB Image array

Return type:



Print the contents of a .nc file :param nc_file_path: Absolute path to a .nc file


No return


nc_file_path (str) –

Return type:


hypso.utils.find_all_files(path, str_in_file, suffix=None, type='partial')

Find recursively all files in a specified directory.

  • path (pathlib.Path) – Directory path on which to look for files.

  • str_in_file (str) – Check if this string is in the file name

  • suffix (Union[str, None]) – Check if file extension matches the suffix provided

  • type (Literal[partial, exact]) – Type of comparisson of “str_in_file”. If “partial”, then “str_in_file” will be checked to be in the filename, otherwise “exact” will check if the filename matches exactly the string provided.


List of file paths

Return type:


class hypso.utils.MyProgressBar(text_prefix)

Class used to display a progress bar on the screen for bulk downloading.

__call__(block_num, block_size, total_size)
hypso.utils.compare_netcdf_files(file1, file2)

Compare two .nc files and returns a pandas DataFrame where each attribute, variable and values are compared side by side.

  • file1 (str) – Absolute path to file 1

  • file2 (str) – Absolute path to file 2


Dataframe with the compared characteristics

Return type:


hypso.utils.find_closest_water_lat_lon_match(sat_obj, target_lat, target_lon, water_pixel_filter=False)

Find the closest Image lat and lon to the targat specificed that is also a water pixel.

  • water_pixel_filter (bool) – If true, the closest pixel should also be classified as water pixel.

  • sat_obj – Hypso satellite object

  • target_lat (float) – Target latitude

  • target_lon (float) – Target longitude


Row, col and dist_to_target in km from the closes water pixel

Return type:

Tuple[int, int, float]