hypso.atmospheric.atmospheric_correction_6sv1 module

hypso.atmospheric.atmospheric_correction_6sv1.AtmosphericCorrection(BandId, SixsInputParameter, srf)

Call the 6s model and assign values to the parameters to obtain the atmospheric correction coefficients

  • BandId (int) – ID of the band being corrected

  • SixsInputParameter (dict) – Basic Parmeters used for the correction

  • srf (list) – Spectral response functions for Hypso


Return type:


hypso.atmospheric.atmospheric_correction_6sv1.BasicParameters(wavelengths, hypercube_L1, hypso_info, lat_2d_array, lon_2d_array, time_capture)

Get the parameters you need for 6s atmospheric correction

  • wavelengths (ndarray) – Wavelengths corresponding to the spectral image

  • hypercube_L1 (ndarray) – Hypercube of the spectral image L1B

  • hypso_info (dict) – Dictionary containing the information of the spectral image

  • lat_2d_array (ndarray) – 2D latitude array of the spectral image

  • lon_2d_array (ndarray) – 2D longitude array of the spectral image

  • time_capture (<module 'datetime' from '/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.9/datetime.py'>) – Time of the capture


Dictionary of the Basic Paramters for the PY6SV1 correction method

Return type:


hypso.atmospheric.atmospheric_correction_6sv1.clip_srf(single_wl, single_srf)

Trim and clip Spectral Response Function (SRF) to the 6SV1 requirements

  • single_wl – Wavelengths for the SRF

  • single_srf – Single band SRF [0, 1]


Returns the wavelength of the SRF adjusted for 6SV1 and the SRF for the 6SV1 model [0, 1]

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

hypso.atmospheric.atmospheric_correction_6sv1.get_corrected_radiance(radiance_band, py6s_results)

Alternative NOT USED method to correct based on the coefficients a, b and c

  • radiance_band (ndarray) – Radiance band to calculate surface reflectance (2D array)

  • py6s_results – Dictionary containing the results of the correction


Surface reflectance for a single band

Return type:


hypso.atmospheric.atmospheric_correction_6sv1.get_surface_reflectance(radiance_band, py6s_results)

Calculate surface reflectance from at-sensor radiance given waveband name and the 6SV1 coefficients

  • radiance_band (ndarray) – Radiance band to calculate surface reflectance (2D array)

  • py6s_results (dict) – Dictionary containing the results of the correction


Surface reflectance for a single band

Return type:


hypso.atmospheric.atmospheric_correction_6sv1.run_py6s(wavelengths, hypercube_L1, hypso_info, lat_2d_array, lon_2d_array, py6s_dict, time_capture, srf)

Run the PY6S atmospheric correction on the Hypso spectral image

  • wavelengths (ndarray) – Wavelengths corresponding to the spectral image

  • hypercube_L1 (ndarray) – Hypercube of the spectral image L1B

  • hypso_info (dict) – Dictionary containing the information of the spectral image

  • lat_2d_array (ndarray) – 2D latitude array of the spectral image

  • lon_2d_array (ndarray) – 2D longitude array of the spectral image

  • py6s_dict (dict) – Dictionary containing the PY6S information for atmospheric correction

  • time_capture (<module 'datetime' from '/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.9/datetime.py'>) – Time of the capture

  • srf (list) – Spectral response function for each of the 120 bands


Return 3-channel surface reflectance spectral image

Return type:
