hypso.classification.WaterDetection.waterdetect.WaterDetect module

class hypso.classification.WaterDetection.waterdetect.WaterDetect.DWWaterDetect(input_folder, output_folder, shape_file, product, config_file, pekel=None, single_mode=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

calc_awei(bands, save_index=False)

Calculates the AWEI Water Index and adds it to the bands dictionary

  • save_index – Inform if the index should be saved as array in the output folder

  • bands – Bands dictionary with the raster bands


mbwi array

calc_indexes(image, indexes_list, save_index=False)
calc_m_nd_index(index_name, band1, band2, band3, band4, save_index=False)

Calculates a modified normalized difference index, adds it to the bands dict and update the mask in loader. Proposed by Dhalton. It uses the maximum of visible and the minimum of Nir/Swir

  • save_index – Inidicate if we should save this index to a raster image

  • index_name – name of index to be used as key in the dictionary

  • band1 – first band to be used in the normalized difference

  • band2 – second option for the first band to be used in the normalized difference

  • band3 – second band to be used in the normalized difference

  • band4 – second option for the second band to be used in the normalized difference


index array

calc_mbwi(bands, factor=3, save_index=False)

Calculates the Multi band Water Index and adds it to the bands dictionary

  • save_index – Inform if the index should be saved as array in the output folder

  • bands – Bands dictionary with the raster bands

  • factor – Factor to multiply the Green band as proposed in the original paper


mbwi array

calc_nd_index(index_name, band1, band2, save_index=False)

Calculates a normalized difference index, adds it to the bands dict and update the mask in loader

  • save_index – Indicate if we should save this index to a raster image

  • index_name – name of index to be used as key in the dictionary

  • band1 – first band to be used in the normalized difference

  • band2 – second band to be used in the normalized difference


index array

property cluster_matrix
create_colorbar_pdf(param_name, colormap, min_value, max_value, units='')
create_rgb_burn_in_pdf(product_name, burn_in_arrays, colors=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, fade=None, opt_relative_path=None, colormap='viridis', uniform_distribution=False, no_data_value=0, valid_value=1, transps=None, bright=5.0)
create_water_mask(band_combination, pdf_merger_image, glint_processor=None)

Return all the necessary bands, based on the bands used for the graphics and the clustering


include_rgb – Specifies if RGB bands are necessary for creating composite, for example


All necessary bands in a list

classmethod run_water_detect(input_folder, output_folder, single_mode, shape_file=None, product='S2_THEIA', config_file=None, pekel=None, post_callback=None, **kwargs)

Main function to launch the water detect algorithm processing. This is the function called from the script.

  • input_folder – If single_mode=True, this is the uncompressed image product. If single_mode=False, this is the folder that contains all uncompressed images.

  • output_folder – Output directory

  • single_mode – For batch processing (multiple images at a time), single_mode should be set to False

  • shape_file – Shape file to clip the image (optional).

  • product – The product to be processed (S2_THEIA, L8_USGS, S2_L1C or S2_S2COR)

  • config_file – Configuration .ini file. If not specified WaterDetect.ini from current dir and used as default

  • pekel – Optional path for an occurrence base map like Pekel

  • post_callback – Used for the WaterQuality add-on package

  • kwargs – Additional parameters.


DWWaterDetect instance with the generated mask.

save_graphs(dw_image, pdf_merger_image)
static save_report(report_name, pdf_merger, folder)
test_pekel(image, dw_image, pdf_merger_image)

Test Pekel Function

  • image

  • dw_image

  • pdf_merger_image


property water_mask