hypso.georeference.coordinate_correction module

hypso.georeference.coordinate_correction.coordinate_correction(point_file, projection_metadata, originalLat, originalLon, correction_type)

Correct the coordinates of the latitude and longitude 2D arrays

  • point_file (Path) – Absolute path to the .points file generated with QGIS

  • projection_metadata (dict) – Dictionary containing the projection information of the capture

  • originalLat (ndarray) – 2D latitude array

  • originalLon (ndarray) – 2D longitude array

  • correction_type (Literal['affine', 'homography', 'polynomial', 'lstsq']) – String indicate the correction type. Options are “affine”, “homography”, polynomial” and “lstsq”


The corrected latitude 2D array and the corrected longitude 2D array

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

hypso.georeference.coordinate_correction.coordinate_correction_matrix(filename, projection_metadata, correction_type)

Generate the coordinate correction matrix

  • filename (Path) – Absolute path for the .points file generated with QGIS

  • projection_metadata (dict) – Dictionary containing projection metadata of hypso capture

  • correction_type (Literal['affine', 'homography', 'polynomial', 'lstsq']) – String indicating the correction type. Options are “affine”, “homography”, polynomial” and “lstsq”


Dictionary with the correction matrix

Return type:


hypso.georeference.coordinate_correction.start_coordinate_correction(points_path, satinfo, proj_metadata, correction_type='affine')

Start coordinate correction process

  • points_path (Path) – Path of the .points file generated with QGIS software

  • satinfo (dict) – Dictionary containing capture information

  • proj_metadata (dict) – Dictionary containing projection metadata of the capture

  • correction_type (Literal['affine', 'homography', 'polynomial', 'lstsq']) – String with the method out of “affine”, “homography”, polynomial” and “lstsq”


Corrected lat and lon coordinate 2D arrays

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]