
Module Contents



class hypso.classification.WaterDetection.waterdetect.WaterDetect.DWWaterDetect(input_folder, output_folder, shape_file, product, config_file, pekel=None, single_mode=False, *args, **kwargs)
property water_mask
property cluster_matrix

Return repr(self).


Return all the necessary bands, based on the bands used for the graphics and the clustering


include_rgb – Specifies if RGB bands are necessary for creating composite, for example


All necessary bands in a list

calc_nd_index(index_name, band1, band2, save_index=False)

Calculates a normalized difference index, adds it to the bands dict and update the mask in loader

  • save_index – Indicate if we should save this index to a raster image

  • index_name – name of index to be used as key in the dictionary

  • band1 – first band to be used in the normalized difference

  • band2 – second band to be used in the normalized difference


index array

calc_m_nd_index(index_name, band1, band2, band3, band4, save_index=False)

Calculates a modified normalized difference index, adds it to the bands dict and update the mask in loader. Proposed by Dhalton. It uses the maximum of visible and the minimum of Nir/Swir

  • save_index – Inidicate if we should save this index to a raster image

  • index_name – name of index to be used as key in the dictionary

  • band1 – first band to be used in the normalized difference

  • band2 – second option for the first band to be used in the normalized difference

  • band3 – second band to be used in the normalized difference

  • band4 – second option for the second band to be used in the normalized difference


index array

calc_mbwi(bands, factor=3, save_index=False)

Calculates the Multi band Water Index and adds it to the bands dictionary

  • save_index – Inform if the index should be saved as array in the output folder

  • bands – Bands dictionary with the raster bands

  • factor – Factor to multiply the Green band as proposed in the original paper


mbwi array

calc_awei(bands, save_index=False)

Calculates the AWEI Water Index and adds it to the bands dictionary

  • save_index – Inform if the index should be saved as array in the output folder

  • bands – Bands dictionary with the raster bands


mbwi array

classmethod run_water_detect(input_folder, output_folder, single_mode, shape_file=None, product='S2_THEIA', config_file=None, pekel=None, post_callback=None, **kwargs)

Main function to launch the water detect algorithm processing. This is the function called from the script.

  • input_folder – If single_mode=True, this is the uncompressed image product. If single_mode=False, this is the folder that contains all uncompressed images.

  • output_folder – Output directory

  • single_mode – For batch processing (multiple images at a time), single_mode should be set to False

  • shape_file – Shape file to clip the image (optional).

  • product – The product to be processed (S2_THEIA, L8_USGS, S2_L1C or S2_S2COR)

  • config_file – Configuration .ini file. If not specified WaterDetect.ini from current dir and used as default

  • pekel – Optional path for an occurrence base map like Pekel

  • post_callback – Used for the WaterQuality add-on package

  • kwargs – Additional parameters.


DWWaterDetect instance with the generated mask.

Run batch is intended for multiprocessing of various images and bands combinations.

It Loops through all unzipped images in input folder, extract water pixels and save results to output folder ATT: The input folder is not a satellite image itself. It should be the parent folder containing all images. For single detection, use run() method.


post_callback – None



Return type:


test_pekel(image, dw_image, pdf_merger_image)

Test Pekel Function

  • image

  • dw_image

  • pdf_merger_image


static save_report(report_name, pdf_merger, folder)
save_graphs(dw_image, pdf_merger_image)
create_water_mask(band_combination, pdf_merger_image, glint_processor=None)
create_colorbar_pdf(param_name, colormap, min_value, max_value, units='')
create_rgb_burn_in_pdf(product_name, burn_in_arrays, colors=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, fade=None, opt_relative_path=None, colormap='viridis', uniform_distribution=False, no_data_value=0, valid_value=1, transps=None, bright=5.0)
calc_indexes(image, indexes_list, save_index=False)